Krishan Verma

Game Programmer and Indie Game Developer

Welcome to my portfolio website

Zombie Shooter
A Third Person Shooter Game

Zombie shooter (Third Person Shooter) In this Unity3D game project, I developed a thrilling third-person shooter game where players take on the role of a soldier fighting against hordes of zombies to protect their residence. The game features various mechanics, including a shooting system, weapon auto-refilling, weapon swapping with hitting particle effects, on-screen joystick controls, and touch controls. Players have the ability to walk, run, shoot, aim, jump, and change weapons.

Candy Fall
2D Game Project

CandyFall (2D UI Based Game) CandyFall is a 2D game project focused on learning and implementing different UI and 2D components of Unity3D. I explored and utilized components such as canvas, text, buttons, 2D colliders, and Rigidbody2D. Through C# scripting, I created a captivating gameplay experience and incorporated these UI elements into the game.

Tic Tac Toe
2D Game Project

TicTacToe (AI Board Game) In this project, I developed a Tic Tac Toe game from scratch using Unity's UI components, including buttons, canvas, and text. The game features an AI opponent with smart logic implemented using the MinMax algorithm. Players can compete against the computer, and the AI analyzes the game state to make intelligent moves. The implementation of the AI logic and the integration of UI components were achieved through C# scripting.

2D Game Project

FireFly (2D Endless Runner) In this project, I focused on implementing captivating gameplay mechanics to enhance the player experience. This included refining smooth character controls for precise movement, implementing obstacle avoidance to challenge the player's reflexes, and designing power-up collection mechanics to provide exciting opportunities for advancement.

Chase Your Way
3D Game Project

Chase your way game (3D Infinite Runner) Chase Your Way is a 3D infinite runner game that I developed using Unity. The game showcases Unity's lighting system and features a procedural path generator. Through the use of Unity's old input system and C# scripting, I implemented game logics such as player movement and obstacle avoidance. The game offers an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience.